The left-hander syndrome: The causes and consequences of left-handedness.
Apraxia and agraphia in a left-hander.
The Left-Hander Syndrome
Marchiafava-Bignami disease, syndrome of interhemispheric disconnection, and right-handed agraphia in a left-hander
Generalized auditory agnosia with spared music recognition in a left-hander. Analysis of a case with a right temporal stroke.
Apraxia and Agraphia in a Left-Hander
Right hemisphere dominance for praxis and left hemisphere dominance for speech in a left-hander
Right-sided neglect in a left-hander: evidence for reversed hemispheric specialization of attention capacity
Computer desk for either right-hander or left-hander
Hemispheric control of the writing hand: the effect of callosotomy in a left-hander.