- He writes legibly.
他的字写得很清楚。 - He can write as neatly and legibly as the next person if he takes his time over it.
Write more legiblyPlease write legiblyThou shalt write legiblyCourt directs doctors in India to write legibly.CERTIFICATE INFORMATION - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPEOn Writing Legibly: Processing Fluency Systematically Biases Evaluations of Handwritten MaterialWhich manuscript letters do primary grade children write legibly?Writing Legibly and Quickly: A Study of Children's Ability To Adjust Their Handwriting To Meet Common Classroom Demands.PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY AND INCLUDE YOUR SEVEN-DIGIT FACILITY NUMBER. WE WILL NOT PROCESS YOUR ORDER WITHOUT ITPrécis for living in limbo and speaking legibly: Reporting qualitative description of oral tongue cancer experience