Legitimised theft: distributed apprenticeship in weblog networksSupporting people to legitimise their informal businessesElectronic Voting in Belgium: A Legitimised Choice?I'm gonna do what I wanna do!: organisational change as a legitimised vehicle for bulliesThe recontextualisation process of educational diversity: New forms to legitimise pedagogic practiceWhen Consent Doesn't Work: A Rights-Based Case for Limits to Consent's Capacity to LegitimiseRehabilitation of mining sites: do taxation and accounting systems legitimise the privileged or serve the community?‘Recovered from cancer but still ill’: strategies used to legitimise extreme persistent fatigue in disease-free cancer patients‘Recovered from cancer but still ill’: strategies used to legitimise extreme persistent fatigue in disease‐free cancer ...TALKING POINTS AMMO The use of neoliberal think tank fantasy themes to delegitimise scientific knowledge of climate change in Austra...