- There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs.
Drugs: Should We Legalize, Decriminalize or Deregulate?
The Movement to Decriminalize Sex Work in Gauteng Province, South Africa, 1994鈥2
The Movement to Decriminalize Sex Work in Gauteng Province, South Africa, 1994â2002
What Does it Mean to Decriminalize Marijuana? A Cross-National Empirical Examination
What does it mean to decriminalize marijuana? A cross-national empirical examination.
Federalism, the Mann Act, and the Imperative to Decriminalize Prostitution
Aid-in-dying: should we decriminalize physician-assisted suicide and physician-committed euthanasia?
Rulings in Argentinean and Colombian courts decriminalize possession of small amounts of narcotics.
Private Acts, Public Anxieties, and the Fight to Decriminalize Male Homosexuality in West Germany
The Lived Experience of Native Hawaiians Exiting Prison and Reentering the Community: How Do You Really Decriminalize Someone Who's ...