F LORIDA F ISH AND W ILDLIFE C ONSERVATIONThe effect of different rootstock forms on malsecco resistance of lemon cv. Gruzinskii.Biochemical and technological characteristics of the fruit of some citrus crops [Grapefruit, pummelo, lemon, varieties]Effectiveness of forest tree shelterbelts of different construction in the protection of lemon plantations in the Kolkhida lowlandOn inheriting genetic traits when pollinating lemon flowers with large and small pollen grains of Citrus ichangingensisA Theory of Regret Regulation 1.0Sex and age differences in distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of wintering Harlequin Ducks: implications for conservat...Virus counterdefense: diverse strategies for evading the RNA-silencing immunity.Recovery of power output and muscle metabolites following 30 s of maximal sprint cycling in manPlant hydraulic conductance measured by the high pressure flow meter in crop plants.