- He appealed to his friends for support.
他请求朋友支持。 - They received the support of the workers.
Precession of the Earth as the Cause of Geomagnetism: Experiments lend support to the proposal that precessional torques drive the e...
Humoral Immune Responses of Type 1 Diabetes Patients to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Lend Support to the Infectious T...
Elevated levels of serum antibodies to the lectin wheat germ agglutinin in celiac children lend support to the gluten-lectin theory ...
Secondary structural elements exclusive to the sequences flanking ribosomal RNAs lend support to the monophyletic nature of the arch...
Statistical support to non-clinical
The world according to RNA. Experiments lend support to the leading theory of life's origin
RBI cuts rates for third time this year to lend support to economy
Does Utilitarian Policy such as Smoking Cessation Lend Support to Wider Aspirin Use?
Hundreds Lend Support to Woman Affected by TNB Pole
Bishops Lend Support to Carbon-Cutting Rules