The Importance of Size Successful Recanalization by Intravenous Thrombolysis in Acute Anterior Stroke Depends on Thrombus LengthThe effect of a stroke unit: reductions in mortality, discharge rate to nursing home, length of hospital stay, and cost. A community...Effectiveness of thigh-length graduated compression stockings to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis after stroke (CLOTS trial 1...Implementation of an acute stroke program decreases hospitalization costs and length of stayRestriction fragment length polymorphism of the apoprotein A-I-C-III gene cluster in control and stroke-prone white and black subjec...Relationship of sleep apnea to functional capacity and length of hospitalization following stroke.Length of hospital stay and discharge delays in stroke patients.Prolonged length of stay and reduced functional improvement rate in malnourished stroke rehabilitation patients.Prediction of length of stay of first-ever ischemic strokePredicting length of stay, functional outcome, and aftercare in the rehabilitation of stroke patients. The dominant role of higher-o...