Leptonic decay of heavy flavors: A theoretical updateUnitary Symmetry and Leptonic DecaysExclusive non-leptonic decays ofD-,Ds- andB-mesonsUpdated fit to three neutrino mixing: status of leptonic CP violationExperimental Tests of Factorization in Charmless Non-Leptonic Two-Body B DecaysQCD factorization for exclusive non-leptonic B ja:math -meson decays: general arguments and the case of heavy–light final statesGlobal analysis of neutrino masses, mixings, and phases: Entering the era of leptonic $CP$ violation searchesAsymptotic freedom, light quarks and the origin of the ΔT = 12 rule in the non-leptonic decays of strange particlesOn the 1‐Loop Renormalization of the Electroweak Standard Model and its Application to Leptonic ProcessesEvaluation of the pi0 background for the nu_e appearance search in the T2K experiment. First study of the leptonic CP violation phase.