- US scientists levitate mice to study low gravity.
美国科学家将老鼠送上太空以进行失重研究。 - I often dream that I can levitate.
Making water levitate
Systeme pour la conduite d'analyses sur une gouttelette soumise a l'action d'un levitateur
Constraints on the redshift dependence of the dark energy potential
Search for weakly interacting massive particles with the first five-tower data from the cryogenic dark matter search at the soudan u...
Biomechanics of Growth, Remodeling, and Morphogenesis
Imprints of a Primordial Preferred Direction on the Microwave Background
Time delay and magnification centroid due to gravitational lensing by black holes and naked singularities
Synthesis of elements 115 and 113 in the reaction Am 243 + Ca 48
Adenosine receptor-mediated cardioprotection: are all 4 subtypes required or redundant?
Geometric Construction of Bézier Motions