The “complex first paradox Why do semantically thick concepts so early lexicalize as nouns?
Parasitic semantics (or why Swedish can’t lexicalize middle voice constructions)
Erratum: The "complex first"paradox: Why do semantically thick concepts so early lexicalize as nouns? (Interaction Studies (2008) v...
Tree insertion grammar: a cubic-time, parsable formalism that lexicalizes context-free grammar without changing the trees produced
Tree insertion grammar: a cubic-time, parsable formalism that lexicalizes context-free grammar without changing the trees produced
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
The Lexicalisation of Speech Act Evaluations in German, English and Dutch
The relation of phoneme discrimination, lexical access, and short-term memory: A case study and interactive activation account.
Les groupes nominaux productifs et les noms composés lexicalisés