- Testosterone is one of the hormones controlling libido in human beings.
睾丸素是人体中控制欲望的一种荷尔蒙。 - It is essential to your libido and sexual arousal.
Increased libido in women receiving trazodone.Testosterone influences libido and well being in womenDHEA supplement for increasing women's libidoThe relationship between libido and testosterone levels in aging men.METHOD FOR TREATING ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION AND INCREASING LIBIDO IN MENParenthood as a developmental phase; a contribution to the libido theoryThe effect of protein intake on boar libido, semen characteristics, and plasma hormone concentrations.Supravaginal uterine amputation vs. hysterectomy. Effects on libido and orgasm.Effect of intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (prasterone) on libido and sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal womenAdverse side effects of 5α-reductase inhibitors therapy: persistent diminished libido and erectile dysfunction and depression in a ...