business license营业执照;运业执照
license plate牌照
driver's license驾驶执照
driving license驾照
export license出口许可证
import license进口许可证
license agreement[经]许可证协议
license number牌照号码;登记号码
compulsory license强制许可
license system许可制度;签证制
license key许可密钥;许可证号
marriage license结婚证
license contract许可证合同;特许合同
license fee许可证费用,执照费
license plate number车牌号
work license上岗证
full license正式执照
license tax牌照税
- The restaurant is licensed for the sale of beer, but not wine.
这家餐馆领取的执照可出售啤酒,但不出售其它酒类。 - It is always a good idea to sell through a licensed dealer.
Licensed nurse staffing and adverse events in hospitals.
Licensed to kill: the lifestyle of a necrotrophic plant pathogen.
Automated system for management of licensed software
Shaken not Stirred: What Are Ethicists Licensed to Do?
A bandwidth sharing approach to improve licensed spectrum utilization
A bandwidth sharing approach to improve licensed spectrum utilization
Mutagenicity of cosmetics ingredients licensed by the European Communities
Dormant origins licensed by excess Mcm2-7 are required for human cells to survive replicative stress
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Reappraisal of the Association of Intussusception with the Licensed Live Rotavirus Vaccine Challenges Initial Conclusions