Giant lichenification of the scalp
Eczema, lichenification and prurigo
Eczema, Lichenification, Prurigo and Erythroderma
Knee lichenification in Parkinson's disease: "Parkinson knees".
Artificial lichenification produced by a scratching machine.
Giant lichenification of the vulva with marked ulcerations. A case report.
Establishment of a mouse skin model of the lichenification in human chronic eczematous dermatitis.
Effectiveness of Keishibukuryogan on Chronic-Stage Lichenification Associated with Atopic Dermatitis
Effectiveness of acupressure on pruritus and lichenification associated with atopic dermatitis: a pilot trial
Intermittent Topical Corticosteroid/Tacrolimus Sequential Therapy Improves Lichenification and Chronic Papules More Efficiently than...