- Lichen is the dominant life form that covers the surfaces of stones and trees.
青苔是生长在石头和树木表面的主要生物。 - Obviously, the life form is the how rarity and precious.
The life form of plants and statistical plant geography
Grazing in remnant woodland vegetation: changes in species composition and life form groups
Do geographic distribution, niche property and life form explain plants' vulnerability to global change?
Is 'Life-Form' a Useful Concept in Bryophyte Ecology?
Ecosystem consequences of plant life form changes at three sites in the semiarid United States
Plant Life Form, Stomatal Density and Taxonomic Relatedness: A Reanalysis of Salisbury (1927)
Plant life-form and germination in a Mexican inter-tropical desert: effects of soil water potential and temperature.
Therapy apparatus for locating and treating a zone located in the body of a life form with acoustic waves
Distribution, Species Diversity and Life-Form Spectra of Plant Communities along an Altitudinal Gradient in the Northern Slopes of Q...
Basal Cactus Phylogeny: Implications of Pereskia (Cactaceae) Paraphyly for the Transition to the Cactus Life Form