The Role of Ad Likability in Predicting an Ad's Campaign PerformancePreschoolers' Likability as Cause or Consequence of Their Social Behavior.CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SCALE: THE REYSEN LIKABILITY SCALEThe Accessibility of Source Likability as a Determinant of Persuasion:Celebrities in Advertising: Looking for Congruence or Likability?Dimensions of social status in preadolescent peer groups: Likability, perceived popularity, and social dominance.To Err is Human(-like): Effects of Robot Gesture on Perceived Anthropomorphism and LikabilityChildren's Recall of Aggressive and Withdrawn Behaviors: Recognition Memory and Likability JudgmentsAgreement among teacher, peer, and self-ratings of children's aggression, withdrawal, and likability.Feature selection methods and their combinations in high-dimensional classification of speaker likability, intelligibility and perso...