lime juice酸橙汁
active lime活性石灰,有效石灰
lime stone石灰石
lime kiln石灰窑
lime soil灰土;钙质土;石灰质土壤
hydrated lime[无化]氢氧化钙,熟石灰
lime milk[化]石灰乳
slaked lime[化]熟石灰
lime slurry石灰浆;石灰乳
quick lime生石灰
lime green石灰绿
lime cream石灰乳
in the lime引人注目,成为大家的注意中心
free lime游离石灰;游离氧化钙
lime water[化]石灰水
lime mortar石灰砂浆
caustic lime生石灰;苛性石灰
milk of lime石灰乳
calcined lime烧石灰;生石灰
lime hydrate 消石灰;熟石灰(等于slaked lime)
- He ordered two lime sodas.
他要了两杯酸橙苏打汽水。 - We may burn limestone to obtain lime.
我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。 - He added some water into the lime.
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