- Limnology also includes studying the chemical and physical aspects of inland water.
湖沼学也包含对内陆河理化属性方面的研究。 - Limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements that...extend well beyond the limits of biology.
Limnology: Lake and River SystemsTextbook of limnologyLimnology, Lake and River EcosystemsLimnology : lake and river ecosystemsA Treatise on LimnologyA treatise on limnologyA TREATISE ON LIMNOLOGY VOL. 1A Treatise on Limnology Vol. II: Introduction to Lake Biology and the LimnoplanktonOdum, H. T. Primary production in flowing waters. Limnology and OceanographyThe Inland Waters of Tropical Africa, an introduction to tropical limnology, by L. C. Beadle. Longman, £7.00.Fish Communities in Tr...