[Linitis plastica].LINITIS PLASTICALINITIS PLASTICA.Primary linitis plastica of the colon.Hereditary linitis plastica of the stomachPrimary linitis plastica type carcinoma of the colonPRIMARY LINITIS PLASTICA TYPE OF CARCINOMA OF THE COLONPrimary linitis plastica of the rectum: report of a caseLinitis plastica carcinoma of the colon mimicking Crohn's colitis.Linitis plastica caused by metastatic lobular carcinoma of the breast.Primary linitis plastica of the colon: report of a case and review of the literature.Primary linitis plastica of the colon: report of two cases and review of the literature.A new mutation of E-cadherin gene in familial gastric linitis plastica cancer with extra-digestive dissemination