Lior Ashkenazi 派拉比 ; 里欧艾希肯纳兹 ; 阿什肯纳兹 ; 利奥尔·阿什肯纳兹
Conny Lior 康妮卡特 ; 提供关于 ; 是谁
Noam Lior 授诺姆·利奥 ; 利奥尔
Lior Ashkenarizonai里欧艾希肯纳兹
Lior Ron产品经理荣恩
Lior Saad里奥·萨阿德
Lior Vurko标签
Lior Etter利奥尔·埃特尔
Lior Elazar埃拉扎尔
Itwouldalso need to be onlyhalfthesize of a conventionaljetofsimilarpower,saysDrLior.
"Justliketheeyesarethewindow to the soul, so are thenails, "saysTamaraLior,MD,adermatologist with Cleveland ClinicFlorida.
Liorsayssheonceconvincedapatienttohave hislungschecked after noticing a bluish tint to his nails, a sign thathewasn'tgettingenoughoxygen.Sure enough, he had fluid in his lungs.
Anatomy of the pig heart: comparisons with normal human cardiac structureTranscript assembly and abundance estimation from RNA-Seq reveals thousands of new transcripts and switching among isoformsDeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face VerificationRecommender Systems HandbookHuman embryonic stem cells can differentiate into myocytes with structural and functional properties of cardiomyocytesRecommender Systems HandbookRobust Object Recognition with Cortex-Like MechanismsKehat, I, Kenyagin-Karsenti, D, Snir, M, Segev, H, Amit, M, Gepstein, A et al.. Human embryonic stem cells can differentiate into my...VISTA: computational tools for comparative genomicsThe Association Between Idiopathic Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and Infection by Verotoxin-Producing Escherichia coli