Liquidus relations in Y–Ba–Cu oxides
Near-Liquidus Rheomolding of Injectable Alloy
Liquidus casting of a wrought aluminum alloy 2618 for thixoforming
Relationship Between the Liquidus Surface and Structures of Zr-Cu-Al Bulk Amorphous Alloys
The system NaClCaCl 2 H 2 O: I. The ice liquidus at 1 atm total pressure ☆
The effect of fluorine on liquidus phase relationships in the system Qz-Ab-Or with excess water at 1 kb
Cryopreservation of articular cartilage. Part 3: the liquidus-tracking method.
Methods of determining the rheological properties of magmas at sub-liquidus temperatures
Liquidus phase relations on the join diopside-forsterite-anorthite from 1 atm to 20 kbar: Their bearing on the generation and crysta...
Synthetic fluid inclusions: XII. The system H 2 ONaCl. Experimental determination of the halite liquidus and isochores for a 40 wt...