Process for improving gasoline cuts and conversion into gas oilsKinerja Produksi Pendederan Lele Sangkuriang Clarias sp. pada Padat Penebaran 35, 40, 45 dan 50 ekor/liter dengan Ketinggian Media 3...EVALUATION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT LEGUNDI PERFORMANCE IN PDAM GRESIK UNIT 4 (100 LITRE/ SECOND)Screening method for the gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric determination of microgram/litre levels of bromate in bottled waterExperiments of Plant Growing under Irrigation with Saline Waters from 2000 MG/Litre T.D.S. (Total Diluted Solids) Up to Sea-Water of...Pendederan Ikan Nila hibrid Oreochromis sp. dengan Padat Penebaran 2, 4 dan 6 ekor/literExtra 2p/litre for Wiseman suppliersDeterminants and vitamin responsiveness of intermediate hyperhomocysteinemia ($40 mmol/liter)Dthe HoDoes choice context affect the results from incentive-compatible experiments? The case of non-GM and country-of-origin premia in Can...The determination of mercury at picogram/litre levels in water with a microwave-induced argon plasma emission system