- I loath to go with him.
我不愿和他一起去。 - She seemed somewhat loath to depart.
她似乎不愿意离开。 - He is loath to get out of bed on cold morning.
Fecundity of the spined loath, Cobitis taenia (Pisces, Cobitidae) and natural allopolyploids of Cobitis from a diploid-polyploid pop...
Syphilis among Arabs in the Near East: Bejel and Loath in Iraq and Syria; Firjal and Latta in Palestine; Laghout in Lebanon; Abou-La...
Fear and loathii^ in health care settings reported hy people with HIV
Tall, Dark, and Loathsome: The Emergence of a Legend Cycle in the Digital Age
WALES: LOATHSOME; He Fed a Rabbit to an Alligator. Assaulted a Teen. Received a Child's Stolen Toys. Now He Tries to Rip Away a Musl...
Play: Fefu and Her Friends
Command and Control in a Nuclear-Armed Iran
Superferromagnetic domain state dynamics in discontinuous CoFe/Al 2 O 3 multilayers
Immigration Processes and Health in the U.S.: A Brief History