frontal lobe大脑额叶
temporal lobe颞叶
side lobe[电]旁瓣;副瓣
parietal lobe顶叶;顶骨叶
occipital lobe[医]枕叶
caudate lobe尾状叶;肝尾叶;尾叶
anterior lobe前叶;垂体前叶
ear lobe耳垂;耳珠
- Senator Kennedy's *(tumor) is the left *(parietal) lobe of brain.
肯尼迪的肿瘤在大脑左边顶骨的圆形突出处。 - Mike wants to get his lobe lanced.
The medial temporal lobe.
The Medial Temporal Lobe Memory System
Memory and the Medial Temporal Lobe
Parietal lobe: from action organization to intention understanding
Common regions of the human frontal lobe recruited by diverse cognitive demands
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Surgery for Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy — NEJM
Effect of COMT Val108/158 Met genotype on frontal lobe function and risk for schizophrenia
Abnormalities of the left temporal lobe and thought disorder in schizophrenia. A quantitative magnetic resonance imaging study.
Longitudinal follow-up in 145 patients with medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy treated surgically between 1984 and 1995.
The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex "Frontal Lobe"tasks: a latent variable analysis.