Look over someone's shoulder on the Internet. (PictureTalk Inc's PictureTalk workgroup software)(Product Announcement)(Brief Article)Using a Case Method Approach in an IT Project Management Curriculum: A Long Look over the Shoulder of a Practitioner at WorkII History Looks Over Man's ShoulderOffice girls go bowling with Betty keeping score, Sarah look over Betty's right shoulderTORRE: I WON'T LOOK OVER ZIM'S SHOULDERLooking over the painter's shoulder with T-rays and X-raysFlintoff Looks over Ambrose's ShoulderWEBSITES LET PARENTS LOOK OVER CHILDREN'S SHOULDERS AT SCHOOLS STUDENTS MONITORED USING ONLINE SYSTEMSDevelopment and validation of a multilevel model for predicting workload under routine and nonroutine conditions in an air traffic m...A Look Over My Shoulder