- No prophecy can be expected to go on all fours.
凡预言皆不能指望其完全应验。 - Those job seekers look to catch out companies.
那些求职者指望着能钻公司的空子。 - She tied herself closely to her husband.
她紧紧依赖着丈夫。 - You should learn to be independent of your parents.
你应该学习不要依赖父母。 - He didn't pay much attention to his surroundings.
他没有留心他周围的环境。 - Care must be taken to write correctly.
留心把文字写得确切。 - She commended the child to her aunt's care.
她把孩子托付给姑母照管。 - He confided his personal documents to his lawyer.
Look to Consumers to Increase Productivity
Look to the Sea. (Book Reviews: Seaweeds and Their Uses)
Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education. First Edition.
Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education. - book reviews
Alliance Management: A View from the Past and a Look to the Future
Consistency between attitudes and behavior: Look to method of attitude formation
Neuroimaging and early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease: a look to the future
Free radicals and antioxidants in the year 2000. A historical look to the future.
On the consistency between attitudes and behavior: Look to the method of attitude formation.
Neuroimaging and early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease: a look to the future.[erratum appears in Radiology. 2003 May;227(2):613]