Spinal fusion cage with lordosis correction
Facilitation of the lordosis reflex of female rats from the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.
Deficit in the lordosis reflex of female rats caused by lesions in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
The membrane actions of estrogens can potentiate their lordosis behavior-facilitating genomic actions
Luteinizing hormone-releasing factor potentiates lordosis behavior in hypophysectomized ovariectomized female rats
Lumbopelvic lordosis and pelvic balance on repeated standing lateral radiographs of adult volunteers and untreated patients with con...
Midbrain Microinfusions of Prolactin Increase the Estrogen-Dependent Behavior, Lordosis
Brain cell nuclear retention of [ 3 H]estradiol doses able to promote lordosis: temporal and regional aspects ☆
Sagittal alignment of spine and pelvis regulated by pelvic incidence: standard values and prediction of lordosis
Compensatory spinopelvic balance over the hip axis and better reliability in measuring lordosis to the pelvic radius on standing lat...