- When the interest in art began to wane, the two fell to talking.
当他们对画画渐渐不再感兴趣时,就开始说起话来。 - But his boyhood friends did not interest him any more.
Why Do Secondary School Students Lose Their Interest in Science? Or Does it Never Emerge? A Possible and Overlooked Explanation
Why do secondary school students lose their interest in science? : A possible overlooked explanation
Dell Bidding War Collapses as Icahn, Blackstone Lose Interest
Female Fish - And Humans? - Lose Interest When Their Male Loses A Slugfest
Engage Your Brain, Body, but Expect to Lose Interest; the Challenges of "Connection"Wear Thin Fairly Quickly
With no hope of bidder, Cablevision's a loser; Dolans withdraw buyout plan as other takers lose interest; far from a bargain.(In the...
When competitive edge is dulled, all lose interest
Why do they lose interest?
Why do they lose interest?(evaluating science education)(Brief Article)