- She has pined away since she got lovesickness.
她自从得了相思病而益发憔悴。 - As time went by, a lovesickness of fashionable clothes came into me.
Lovesickness.LovesicknessLovesickness:Lovesickness in "Troilus"A treatise on lovesickness:Love, Lovesickness, and MelancholiaCuring lovesickness, with medicine?Lovesickness and gender in early modern English literatureLovesickness and Gender in Early Modern English LiteratureIn Pandora's Jar: Lovesickness in Early Greek PoetryIn Pandora's Jar: Lovesickness in Early Greek PoetryFebris Erotica: Lovesickness in the Russian Literary ImaginationBook Review:Lovesickness in the Middle Ages: The "Viaticum"and Its Commentaries Mary Frances Wack