用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- bring luck带来运气
- chance one's luck碰运气
- change the luck改变运气
- crowd one's luck〈美口〉在有利形势下继续冒险
- face luck走运
- envy sb's good luck嫉妒某人运气好
- fall into luck接连走运
- have bad luck运气坏
- have good luck运气好
- have hard luck运气坏
- have little luck运气欠佳
- have no luck不走运
- have poor luck运气不好
- keep off bad luck驱走厄运
- meet hard luck陷入困境,不得志
- play big luck走运
- press one's luck得寸进尺,想再度好运
- push one's luck得寸进尺,贪心,想再度好运
- trust to luck碰运气
- try one's luck碰运气
形容词+~- bad luck坏运气
- fishing luck渔运
- good luck好运气,走运
- hard luck倒霉,厄运
- ill luck倒霉,厄运
- pure luck纯粹侥幸
- rough luck倒霉
- tough luck倒霉
- worse luck不幸
介词+~- by ill luck不巧
- by good luck幸亏,侥幸地
- up luck走运
- through good luck靠好运气
- with luck on one's side某人走运
- with a little luck有一点好运气
~+介词- luck at…的运气
- luck in …的运气
- luck in love交桃花运
- luck in one's exams考试走运
- luck with the exams考试走运
good luck好运;祝您(你)好运
bad luck运气不好,坏运气;噩运
in luck运气好
wish you good luck祝你好运
for luck为了图吉利;为了祈求好运
good luck to you祝你好运
out of luck运气不好
with luck如果一切顺利的话
better luck next time下次好运
by luck侥幸地
try your luck碰运气;试试运气
a stroke of luck一次好运,幸运的机缘
pot luck现成饭菜;家常便饭
good luck in everything万事如意
have bad luck倒霉
hard luck 厄运;倒霉(等于tough luck)
just my luck偏偏就是这样倒霉
tough luck坏运气;真不走运
lady luck幸运;好机会
beginner's luck新手的好运气(体育比赛、游戏、赌博、渔猎等);狗屎运
luck, lot, destiny, fortune, doom, fate
- He came to Beijing to try his luck.
他来到北京,想碰碰运气。 - He had wonderful luck in all his ventures.
他干任何事情运气都好。 - He ascribes his success to good luck.
他把他的成功归功于幸运。 - You never know your luck.
你也许会走运的。 - Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.
- Don't expect to luck through without an effort.
别指望不经努力就能侥幸成功。 - He lucked out and found a seat.
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