- The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby.
母亲正对婴儿哼着摇篮曲。 - We sang our little son a sweet lullaby.
我们给小宝宝唱了支甜美的摇篮曲。 - The duchess sang a sort of lullaby to the baby.
公爵夫人对孩子唱了一首催眠曲一样的歌子。 - Their prayers roll across the water and fall upon my ears like a lullaby rocking me to sleep.
Lullaby Light Shows: Everyday Musical Experience among Under-Two-Year-Olds.
Lullaby:a capture & access system for understanding the sleep environment
The Limerick Lullaby project: Music and singing against prenatal stress
The Limerick Lullaby project: An intervention to relieve prenatal stress
Lullament: Lullaby and lament therapeutic qualities actualized through music therapy
Sing, Soothe and Sleep: A Lullaby Education Programme for First-Time Mothers.
NICU music therapy: song of kin as critical lullaby in research and practice
The effect of listening to lullaby music on physiologic response and weight gain of premature infants
Experiences of pregnant women attending a lullaby programme in Limerick, Ireland: a qualitative study
Nurturing Herself, Nurturing Her Baby: Creating Positive Experiences for First-time Mothers through Lullaby Singing