Extrapulmonary lungworms of cervids.Lungworms in the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep of western Canada.A new lungworm in muskoxen: an exploration in Arctic parasitologyTHE SWINE LUNGWORM AS A RESERVOIR AND INTERMEDIATE HOST FOR SWINE INFLUENZA VIRUSLife history of the canine lungworm Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet).Lungworm infections ( Angiostrongylus vasorum , Crenosoma vulpis , Aelurostrongylus abstrusus ) in dogs and cats in Germany and Denm...Evidence of Brucella infection in Parafilaroides lungworms in a Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi)Exposure of leopard frogs to a pesticide mixture affects life history characteristics of the lungworm Rhabdias ranaeEffect of condensed tannins extracted from four forages on the viability of the larvae of deer lungworms and gastrointestinal nemato...Effects of condensed tannins and crude sesquiterpene lactones extracted from chicory on the motility of larvae of deer lungworm and ...