LustraBiotechnology applied to cultural heritage: biorestoration of frescoes using viable bacterial cells and enzymesPile composting of two-phase centrifuged olive husk residues: technical solutions and quality of cured compostResponse of microbial communities to different doses of chromate in soil microcosmsSynthesis and characterization of abietadiene, levopimaradiene, palustradiene, and neoabietadiene: hydrocarbon precursors of the abi...A description of LUSTRA's common field sitesEffects of low electric current (LEC) treatment on pure bacterial culturesCharacterization of composted olive mill wastes to predict potential plant disease suppressivenessStudies toward the Synthesis of (+)-Palustrine: The First Asymmetric Synthesis of (-)-Methyl Palustramate.Integrating financial and physical supply chains: the role of banks in enabling supply chain integration