- The property and characteristics of several kinds of pressurization equipment in the pressurization and lustration procedure of acetylene were compared.
阐述并比较了几种加压设备在乙炔加压清净过程中的性能和特点。 - It is an ever-new green environmental product and it is also a kind of zoology lustration.
Lustration and Democratisation in East-Central Europe
Lustration and Truth Claims: Unfinished Revolutions in Central Europe
Explaining lustration in Central Europe: a 'post-communist politics' approach
Lustration and Consolidation of Democracy and the Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe
Lustration Laws in Action: The Motives and Evaluation of Lustration Policy in the Czech Republic and Poland (1989–2001)
Purging the past: The Current State of Lustration Laws in the Former Communist Bloc
Dealing with the Communist Past or the Politics of the Present? Lustration in Post-Communist Poland
David R. “Lustration Laws in Action: The Motives and Evaluation of Lustration Policy in the Czech Republic and Poland (1989-2001)...
Symmetry and broken symmetries in molecular orbital descriptions of unstable molecules II. Alignment, flustration and tunneling of s...