- He lasted there less than a year because of an ongoing debate in the Lutheran church about the role of music in worship.
巴哈因为路德教会对于音乐在礼拜仪式中的角色争议不断,所以在那里只待了不到一年的时间。 - Transylvania was now beyond the reach of Catholic religious authority, allowing Lutheran and Calvinist preaching to flourish.
[Current aspects of the Lutheran system]
The Lutheran blood group glycoproteins, the erythroid receptors for laminin, are adhesion molecules.
Basal cell adhesion molecule/lutheran protein. The receptor critical for sickle cell adhesion to laminin.
Lutheran blood group glycoprotein and its newly characterized mouse homologue specifically bind alpha5 chain-containing human lamini...
Diet, tobacco use, and fatal prostate cancer: results from the Lutheran Brotherhood Cohort Study.
The Lutheran blood group glycoprotein, another member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is widely expressed in human tissues and is...
Identification of the binding site for the Lutheran blood group glycoprotein on laminin alpha 5 through expression of chimeric lamin...
Life at Four Corners: Religion, Gender, and Education in a German-Lutheran Community, 1868-1945. By Carol K. Coburn. (Lawrence: Univ...
Is cigarette smoking a risk factor for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or multiple myeloma? Results from the Lutheran Brotherhood Cohort Study.
Human erythrocyte antigens. Regulation of expression of a novel erythrocyte surface antigen by the inhibitor Lutheran In(Lu) gene.