Surgical treatment of subluxated lenses in children.Surgery of the hereditary subluxated lens in children.Management of subluxated and dislocated lenses with the vitrophagePrognosis of luxated permanent teeth — the development of pulp necrosisRestored vitality in luxated teeth assessed by laser Doppler flowmeterLaser Doppler flowmetry in assessing vitality in luxated permanent teethSiepser slipknot for McCannel iris-suture fixation of subluxated intraocular lenses ☆Prognosis of luxated non‐vital maxillary incisors treated with calcium hydroxide and filled with gutta‐percha. A retrospective cli...External inflammatory and replacement resorption of luxated, and avulsed replanted permanent incisors: a review and case presentationTreatment of non-vital permanent incisors with calcium hydroxide. II. Effect on external root resorption in luxated teeth compared w...