LXX. Note on the theory of magnetic storms
Metabolism of drugs. LXX. Further study on antipyrine metabolism.
Nitroxides. LXX. Electron spin resonance study of cyclodextrin inclusion compounds
International Union of Pharmacology. LXX. Subtypes of {gamma}
LXX.âNew forms of Sciurus, Oxymycterus Kannabateomys, Proechimys, Dasyprocta, and Caluromys from South America
Mechanism of photochemical reactions in solution. LXX. Photolysis of aryl esters
A leucine triplet repeat sequence (LXX)4 in p6gag is important for Vpr incorporation into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 partic...
Stable carbonium ions. LXX. Protonated nitroalkanes and nitroaromatic compounds. Cleavage of protonated nitroalkanes (cycloalkanes) ...
International Union of Pharmacology. LXX. Subtypes of γ-Aminobutyric AcidA Receptors: Classification on the Basis of Subunit Compos...
Studies on polynucleotides ☆ ☆☆ : LXX. Synthetic deoxyribopolynucleotides as templates for the DNA polymerase of Escherichia col...