Satisfaction in different life domains in children receiving home parenteral nutrition and their families
Satisfaction in different life domains in children receiving home parenteral nutrition and their families.
An investigation into the nature and extent of economic exploitation of street children in Zimbabwe: A case study of Harare Central ...
Influence de l'appel au « 15 » sur les délais et la prise en charge des patients présentant un infarctus du myocarde. Données d...
Acute pancreatitis following gastrointestinal endoscopy without ampullary cannulation
[Congenital generalized cutis laxa]
Primary transpupillary thermotherapy for 18 small posterior pole uveal melanomas.
[Beneficial effects of direct call to Emergency Medical Services on time delays and management of patients with acute myocardial inf...
Image analysis: a tool for the characterisation of hydration of cement in concrete – metrological aspects of magnification on ...
The effect of Bach's magnificat on emotions, immune, and endocrine parameters during physiotherapy treatment of patients with infect...