- The magnifico's face is gradually red.
IJMS, Vol. 14, Pages 11259-11276: New Evidence for Cross Talk between Melatonin and Mitochondria Mediated by a Circadian-Compatible ...
La nozione di “esigibilità'” negli accordi FIAT e la funzione negoziale del diritto di sciopero
Formation of the 67-kDa laminin receptor by acylation of the precursor
WW domain HECT E3s target Cbl RING finger E3s for proteasomal degradation.
Cbl-b-dependent Coordinated Degradation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling Complex
Outcomes at 12 months in a population of elderly patients discharged from a rehabilitation unit.
The 67-kDa laminin receptor originated from a ribosomal protein that acquired a dual function during evolution.
Co-regulation and physical association of the 67-kDa monomeric laminin receptor and the alpha6beta4 integrin
Co-regulation and Physical Association of the 67-kDa Monomeric Laminin Receptor and the 伪6尾4 Integrin
Axon diodes for the reconstruction of oriented neuronal networks in microfluidic chambers