Linguistic Obfuscation in the Name of Legislation: A Stylistic Analysis of 234next Online Magazine Op-Ed of 21st January, 2011
How Late It Was, How Late for James Kelman’s ‘Folk Novel’
How Late It Was, How Late for James Kelman’s ‘Folk Novel’
The Mystery of the Battle of la-tzu-k'ou in the Long March
Prospettivismo felino e profondità saggistica in Montaigne e Smart.
A Comparison Between Yan Hongkui and Lv Liuliang's Diaries to See Yan's Inheritance and Development of Lv's anti-Qing Ideas
Memories from the underground. New and old sights on monuments
Proti, periti, mediatori, giudici al servizio di fratelli litigiosi: saggezza strategica e competenza professionale nella Venezia ta...
Hawthorne - Chapter 5. The Three American Novels
De “sjunkande” cenotafierna hos Moreau, Fontaine, Boullée och Gay