用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- compose the majority形成多数派
- enter the majority参加多数派
- form a majority形成多数
- gain a majority取得大多数人的帮助
- get majority获得多数票
- go over to majority参加多数派
- have a majority拥有多数
- hold a majority拥有多数
- join the majority参加多数派
- receive majority获得多数票
- serve the majority为大多数(人)服务
- get one's majority到了成年
- go to the great majority死
- join the great majority死
- pass over to the great majority死
形容词+~- clear majority绝对多数
- good majority大多数
- great majority大多数
- handsome majority可观的多数
- large majority绝大多数
- narrow majority微弱的多数
- silent majority沉默的大多数
- small majority微弱的多数
- two-thirds majority三分之二的多数
- vast majority绝大多数
- working majority足以成事的多数
名词+~- committee majority委员会的过半数
介词+~- by a majority以多数
- in a majority占多数
majority of大多数;大部分
overwhelming majority压倒性多数
vast majority绝大多数,大部份
the great majority很大一部分
in the majority占多数
majority leader多数党领袖
majority vote多数票决
majority shareholder大股东;多数股东
absolute majority绝对多数
simple majority 过半数;一般多数, 简单多数
narrow majority勉强多数
silent majority沉默的大多数(持温和观点并很少发表意见者)
majority owner多数份数拥有人
majority of votes多数票;表决多数
majority control过半数控制权
- The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.
多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。 - Racism is abhorrent to the majority of people.
种族主义是大多数人都憎恨的。 - The Democrats became the majority in the election.
民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。 - The Democrats became the majority in the election.
民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。 - The majority was determined to press its proposal.
Minimal majorities and minorities
Buying Supermajorities in Finite Legislatures
The social impact of majorities and minorities.
Sphere packing and local majorities in graphs
Local majorities, coalitions and monopolies in graphs: a review ☆
Insular Majorities Unabated: Warth v. Seldin and City of Eastlake v. Forest City Enterprises, Inc.
Detectable byzantine agreement secure against faulty majorities
Money and Majorities in the Federal Republic of Germany: Evidence for a Veto Players Model of Government Spending
Men and Women of the Corporation : Numbers-Minorities and Majorities
Comparing Proportional Representation Electoral Systems: Quotas, Thresholds, Paradoxes and Majorities