- There is a winding path through the garden.
花园里有一条迂回曲折的小径。 - The track dipped, weaving into a wooded hollow.
"Sé tú el malo". Un papel nuevo para los maestros en el apoyo del juego dramático de niños
Winnipeg: An Urban Myth?
Voluntary intake and feeding behaviour in relation to digestive function and body composition in normal and double-muscled Belgian-B...
Individual variations of voluntary intake, feeding behaviour and development of the digestive tract in Holstein cloned growing bulls
Methods of conservation of ryegrass and short-term feeding preferences
Comparison of intake behaviour of llamas and sheep fed by dry roughage
Comparaison des activités alimentaires et méryciques de lamas et de moutons recevant des fourrages secs
Accountability for school psychologists /
Le tissage du raphia chez les Batéké (Moyen-Congo)
Towards Mindfulness: Between a Detour and a Portal