- I made a reservation in Beijing.
我在北京已预订房间。 - Please call ahead if you want to reserve a room.
Microscopy Lab
NARA and Midwest Center for Holocaust Education to host author Leonard Zeskind
Professor Harry Reicher to speak at National Archives at Kansas City
Barbara Brackman to open Partisan Pieces: Quilts exhibition
Make It Right Unveils 5 New Designs for Housing in Fort Peck Reservation
Analysis of the specific composition and ecological-biological features of micromycetes on Rosaceae in the 'Galich'ya Gora' Reservat...
[MNASIS-L] FW: Make Hotel Reservation Today
Making a Recurring Reservation for a Resource
Ip Multiservice Nework and Method for Making Resource Reservations for Priority Traffic
A multi-objective model for the hazardous materials transportation problem based on lane reservation