Vehicular propulsion and positioning system
Open Reduction of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip: A Critical Review of the Ludloff Approach in 66 Hips.
Determination of a proposed program for the preparation of teacher-coordinators of distributive education : a program designed to tr...
Nissen, L.B., Physician's Leadership on National Drug Policy Adolescent substance abuse: A public health priority. Providence, RI: P...
Quantum-well states and magnetic coupling between ferromagnets through a noble-metal layer.
Magnetism in the few-monolayers limit: A surface magneto-optic Kerr-effect study of the magnetic behavior of ultrathin films of Co, ...
Finite‐size scaling behavior of ferromagnetic thin films
CPP spin-valve device
Noncollinear magnetism in substitutionally disordered face-centered-cubic FeMn
Lattice symmetry and magnetization reversal in micron-size antidot arrays in Permalloy film