- He was busted for possession of marijuana.
他因怀有大麻而被捕。 - Clinton smoked marijuana but never inhaled.
Adverse health effects of marijuana use.
Adverse health effects of marijuana use.
Effects of maternal marijuana and cocaine use on fetal growth.
Triggering myocardial infarction by marijuana.
Weiss SRB. Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use
Dose-related neurocognitive effects of marijuana use
Prevalence of marijuana use disorders in the United States: 1991-1992 and 2001-2002.
The residual cognitive effects of heavy marijuana use in college students.
Preventing alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use among adolescents: peer pressure resistance training versus establishing conservati...
Increases in alcohol and marijuana use during the transition out of high school into emerging adulthood: The effects of leaving home...