Charles Coleman FinlayEinstellbare Vorderachs- und Bremsträgerkonstruktion Adjustable front axle and brake support structurePositioniermaschine mit flexibler schiene A positioning rail with flexibleJuly 4th, 1901. Marysville, Cal. [parade float, labled "Chinese Temple"]Study of concrete containing fly ash from Marysville Station : progress reportProgressive metamorphism of impure dolomitic limestone in the Marysville aureole, MontanaBehavior of 13 C and 18) O in carbonates during contact metamorphism at Marysville, Montana; implications for isotope systematics in...Effect of Wastewater on the Concentrations of Mo, Zn, Cu, and Ni in Mill Creek at Marysville, OhioCommunity energy planning in Marysville, KansasAssembly of a zoned volcanic magma chamber from multiple magma batches: The Cerberean Cauldron, Marysville Igneous Complex, Australia