Nasal meatuses of the buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Note.Effect of the distributary of nasal meatuses on olfactionAsymmetrical location of the external auditory meatuses and lateralizationMorphology on the nasal meatuses of Mithun (Bos frontalis) in comparison with that of Zebu (Bos indicus)Urethral triplication with meatuses terminating on the penis: a rare case presenting with bifid urinary stream[Effects of freezing on the intercellular meatuses in the root of Cichorium intybus L. (variety of endive)]Additional data on boneconduction shift when the external auditory meatuses are occludedComparative morphometry on the nasal septum and meatuses of mithun (Bos frontalis), yak (Bos grunniens) and zebu (Bos indicus)[Variations in the composition of the atmosphere in the meatuses of pears during maturation; their relation to metabolism]Isolated metastases of adenocarcinoma in the bilateral internal auditory meatuses mimicking neurofibromatosis type 2--case report.