Strategic Planning Practices Of Private Security Firms In KenyaPENGARUH PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG KUNYIT (Curcuma domestica val)DALAM RANSUM TERHADAP KUALITAS TELUR PUYUH(Coturnix-coturnix japonica)PENINGKATAN KUALITAS CITRA X-RAY PARU-PARU MENGGUNAKAN CONTRAST LIMITED ADAPTIVE HISTOGRAM EQUALIZATION DAN GAUSSIAN FILTERPenerapan metode enhanced class outlier distance based untuk identifikasi outlier pada data hasil ujian nasional, indeks integritas ...Kajian Pengolahan Citra untuk Analisis Kanker Paru-paruInformation access and livelihood improvement: the case of youth using Pala Community Knowledge CentrePENGELOLAAN PASCA PROYEK DI CLUSTER TAMAN EDELWEISS KOTA MANDIRI BUMI SERPONG DAMAIRelationship between training and employee performance in organizations in KenyaWater and women: experiences in the village handpump (Philippines) projectPrevention of Ill Health in Children Born to HIV-Positive Women