Medigap미국 Medigap의 발달과 정책적 함의MedigapMedigap Reform Legislation of 1990: Have the Objectives Been Met?Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, and the Life Expectancy of the ElderlyAdverse selection and the purchase of Medigap insurance by the elderly.Insurer Pricing and Consumer Welfare: Evidence from Medigap!Adverse selection, moral hazard and the demand for Medigap insuranceSources of Advantageous Selection: Evidence from the Medigap Insurance MarketMinimum Standards and Insurance Regulation: Evidence from the Medigap MarketAdverse selection, moral hazard, and wealth effects in the medigap insurance marketMinimum standards, insurance regulation and adverse selection: evidence from the Medigap marketA comparison of patterns of care of nonsmall cell lung carcinoma patients in a younger and Medigap commercially insured cohort