Genetic analysis of melanophore development in zebrafish embryos.
Biogenic amines and control of melanophore stimulating hormone release.
Identification of the leaf-frog melanophore pigment, rhodomelanochrome, as pterorhodin
Regulated bidirectional motility of melanophore pigment granules along microtubules in vitro.
Pituitary and melanophore responses to background in Poecilia latipinna (teleostei): role of the pars intermedia PAS cell
Regulated bidirectional motility of melanophore pigment granules along microtubules鈥塱n鈥塿itro
Transcriptional regulation of mitfa accounts for the sox10 requirement in zebrafish melanophore development
Influence of the structure of the N -terminal extremity of α -MSH on the melanophore stimulating activity of this hormone