- Melrose Cup - the trophy awarded the mens champions of the Rugby World Cup 7s.
Neurofibrillary tangles, amyotrophy and progressive motor disturbance in mice expressing mutant (P301L) tau proteinInduction of alloantigen-specific hyporesponsiveness in human T lymphocytes by blocking interaction of CD28 with its natural ligand ...Identification of the alpha2-delta-1 subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels as a molecular target for pain mediating the anal...The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index TheoremAre animal models useful for studying human disc disorders/degeneration?An FMRI study of the role of the medial temporal lobe in implicit and explicit sequence learning.Electron-cyclotron masers as the source of certain solar and stellar radio burstsBiological dataset profiling of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular inflammationImmunohistochemical demonstration of PACAP immunoreactivity in the peripheral nervous systemElective cardiac arrest